You will need
- - ultrasonic pest repeller birds;
- - fishing net;
- - shiny objects (tinsel, foil, disks);
- - a Scarecrow.
To protect your crop of cherries from the invasion of sparrows, starlings, thrushes, jays and other birds, get in a specialty store ultrasonic repeller and set in the suburban area (the device is absolutely safe for human health). This device generates an alarm signal, which publishes the birds in case of danger, scaring off birds species from the berries.
Fishing net – this is another very effective way to scare birds away from cherries. If the tree is separate from other plantings, then the mesh snaps off the top. If trees are in close proximity to each other, then it is advisable to install between the high pillars and made of a wire trellis, on which and attack the network, covering the planting of sweet cherry.
As scare away the birds often use different shining and rustling items: foil, reflective tape, Christmas tinsel, CDs with the shiny side down. Some gardeners to preserve the harvest wrapped trees of bobbin thread or rayon mesh, put on the crown film or covering material, attaching it to the branches with clothespins.
Put a Scarecrow in the garden, clad in brightly colored clothes. The first time the birds will be afraid to fly up to the cherries. However, after a couple of weeks the birds become used to the Scarecrow and the rustling of different items, so this method of providing protection for the cherries briefly.
To practice to scare birds away from the cherries following method: hang in the garden the bird's body. This method, of course, quite effective, but inhumane. It is not recommended to apply it in that case, if the family has children who visit the cottage or the garden, as they are unable to psychological trauma at the sight of this hard-hitting spectacle.