We must not forget that insectivorous birds are of great benefits to your household, saving it from pests. Therefore, to kill the birds can not in any case – you can only scare on the time of ripening and gathering of fruits and berries.

It has long been for this purpose used scarecrows – an imitation of the human figure. Two sticks put together at right angles and cover them with old clothes. From the old caps and scrap sheets make the head and the facial similarity. The problem is that birds quickly get used to the rather static figure and stop paying attention to it.

A good deterrent effect and give a shiny rotating objects – such as old CDs, especially double-sided. Hang them on strings on the branches of fruit trees. In the wind they sway and give glare – a while the birds will be scared until you are sure they are completely harmless. Instead of discs to hang Christmas new year's "rain" or check boxes, cut out of foil.

Birds frightened by the image of the eye. Of cardboard or plywood cut out a circle slightly larger than the human face and paint it black. Both sides of the stick cut from holographic film circles depicting eyes and a mouth. These "horror stories" hang inside the crown of a fruit tree. When you rotate the circle changes the angle of incidence of light on a holographic film and, accordingly, changes its color. It creates the illusion of a living mind whose afraid of birds.

The result will be better if you can combine the noise and svetooptika. From old tin cans cut out the circles and punch holes in them at the edges. String tin circles in the form of necklaces on the line so that they are each other's touch, and hang on the branches of trees or on stakes along the garden beds. Get a good pest repeller, because the circles will not only Shine, but to knock apart.

Cans with nails inside, you can snap to the ends of sticks, depicting the hands of the Scarecrow. Banks will rotate in the wind, glisten and rattle. Antiquated method of bird scaring will be much more efficient.

If you still have the old magnetic strip, pull it along the raised beds with strawberries, tied to pegs. Get a long string which the wind will Shine and make a vibrating sound. Did not like birds and moles. Scraps of tape can be tied to the branches of fruit trees.

Very well protected patch of small network cell is no more than 20x20 mm. Fling it on the pegs, hammered in the corners, and be sure to press the edges to seal to the ground, otherwise birds will be able to crawl under the net and calmly to Rob. In the same way you can close the low bushes.