Appearance and habits of the European cherry fruit fly
Cherry fruit fly is an insect of small size, only about 5 mm. It has a dark brown body with four transverse stripes on the wings. Scutellum, legs and head fly yellow, and green eyes.
Appears cherry fruit fly from late may to late June, southern advent begins somewhere in the decade before. A fly begins to fly only when the soil warms up and the temperature exceeds 18 degrees. The highest activity is in a Sunny and warm weather.
Two weeks after the departure of cherry flies begin to lay eggs in ripening and only green fruits — one egg on the fetus. After 10 days the eggs hatch into white maggots. They eat the flesh for 20 days and then leave the fruit and pupate, while in the soil at a depth of 5 cm. With the active development, cherry fruit fly can destroy 30% of the fruits of the cherries and 60% of the fruits of the cherries.
Protection of the crop from the cherry fly
Good to think about the protection of crops is necessary before planting trees. In this case, it is necessary to plant early maturing sweet cherry varieties and cherries, which are cherry fruit fly is not paying attention. The main mass of eggs females lay in the fruits of late and medium maturing.
Early spring perekapyvayut the soil in the tree trunks circle to a depth of approximately 25 centimeters. This action will destroy some of the overwintering monocolonal flies. The digging procedure can be repeated in the fall and summer after pupation, which managed to hit the fruit.
Trees of sweet cherry and cherry of the late and medium varieties can be sprayed with insecticide as a prevention. This should be done in the mass flight period of the insect. Don't forget to abide by the terms of use of insecticides to later it would be possible without fear to consume the crop as food.
The first treatment is usually done in the beginning of the mass flight of European cherry fruit fly, and the second after 15 days, but in any case not later than 2 weeks prior to harvest. When re-spraying it is advisable to alternate drugs. This will prevent the flies are addictive to the drug. It is advisable to spray not only the trees but also the land around them.
Folk remedies
Hang on the tree branches, glue traps, or the banks with any sweet liquid. All insects in this way, of course, not overfished. You can try to cheat the cherry fly, opryshkiv crown infusion of wormwood, tobacco, garlic or onion. An unpleasant smell can scare away the insect.
In addition to the cherry fly, have to fight with cherry aphids, as is a companion pest. Flies feed on the secretions of aphids before laying eggs.
The harvest
Harvest should fully and quickly, and not to divide it into several stages. Already damaged fruit in any case can not be left near trees or on trees. If you do, then sooner or later the maggots will crawl out of the fruit, pupate in the soil, and spring again will turn into flies.
Damaged berries to find can be quite simple, as it will be dark, soft, matte finish. It will be bumpy from moves made by the larva. Damaged fruits should be collected and destroyed. For example, you can bury them in the land, at a great distance from the fruit trees. To fight against the cherry fly need to start early, otherwise all the described tools are unlikely to help.