Get ready to enroll in medical school from school: pay special importance to the study of biology and chemistry, read these subjects additional literature, participate in contests and Olympiads. Will receive a certificate exam in these subjects.
Keep in mind that dental school is always a great contest. Entrance exams in the universities may vary, but most often it is necessary to provide certificates of unified state examination in chemistry, Russian language, biology, physics. The total score of the exam should not be below 220. This number of points and higher in Russia was average for admission to the faculties of dentistry.
If you are unable to do the first time to the Institute, do not despair. Do in medical school on specialty "dental technician". After College with secondary education it will be easier to go to College.
Do not count on the ease of getting the profession. The training lasts 5 years. You will gain knowledge about the nerves, the structure of teeth, their specificity, about oral prosthetics. Understand that dental treatment is not only the destruction or sealing, but also the jewelry skill that requires a deep knowledge.
Practice on mannequins with 2 course and 3 course will systematically practice in dental clinics and offices. Under the guidance of professionals you will receive invaluable skills.
Select one of the three areas of activity: industrial-technological, organizational management or treatment and prevention.
Start your job search already in the last year of the Institute. Take with places of practice, recommendation letters and reviews – this will help you to find and then place the dentist in a prestigious private clinic or medical center.
Raise their professional level by attending seminars and practical classes, courses, educate yourself. Remember: the more experience and the knowledge to make the best decision in the treatment approach, the more customers.