Concentrate, try to concentrate on the desire to appeal to the guardian angel. Disconnect from the outside world. Remember that angel isn't human and he doesn't want to talk about what you want and what you fear. He knows everything himself. However, try to present your problem, to feel it. Make it was in your mind in all its force, without understatement. Don't run from yourself. Only by overcoming the obstacle, you will be able to get rid of it. Angel will assist you, but it might not go the way of life for you.
Imagine that within you is the light. Make it the way you can feel the material thing. Do not think that it is impossible, just think, that merge with the serene flow of light into a unified whole. Perhaps you will cease to understand that you are on earth, it isn't terrible, as it should be. After all, communicating with an angel, you are approaching God.
When you are ready to return to everyday life, say goodbye to angel, and prepare to leave the light, try to remember your feelings. Remember that the call of the custodian often do not: to all the people and sent into the world to learn to live in it, not accumulating evil, and free from dirt. But to learn that everyone should own.
Don't forget that the guardian angel has helped you, even if it is very hard will be to defeat melancholy, or, on the contrary, you will find yourself in a whirlpool of life and you will have free time. Gratitude to higher powers for what they left you, you need to maintain throughout life. And in General, it should be remembered that the guardian angel always there regardless of, you can see it or not.
And the last thing you need to keep in mind: no matter whether you are looking for protection of an angel or want advice, the main thing – trust that he will help you. Without this, nothing happens.