The timing and schedule of the Unified state examination are determined annually. The period of the main wave final assessment begins no earlier than may 25. At this time the test is taken by graduates of schools of current year and of past years, graduates of institutions of primary and secondary vocational institutions, as well as students of foreign educational institutions.
Also provides for early submission of the exam, which starts no earlier than 20 April of the current year. The right to early examination available to graduates of evening or replacement of educational institutions, called to serve in the Armed forces of the Russian Federation; the graduates which leave on the Russian and international competitions, contests, competitions and training camps; graduates who go to a permanent place of residence or education abroad; graduates who for medical reasons are directed to the therapeutic or rehabilitation activities to take place during the main wave of the exam; graduates of the Russian educational institutions located outside the Russian Federation, in countries with difficult climatic conditions.
Register to take the exam ahead of time passes in the same terms as the registration of students on the main wave of the exam, but no later than March 1 of the current year. For early passing the state exam, you must submit a written application with the obligatory indication of the reasons for postponement of the exam and the list of subjects on which you plan to complete the exam. The document is sent to the provincial Department of education or to the institution of the Department of education, under the authority of which is the UNIVERSITY in which the graduate plans to do.
A specific date for the early passage of the state final examination in Russian language is determined annually. In addition, it provides backup day, which takes place early in the exam in all academic disciplines for those who for good cause was unable to pass the exam on the scheduled date or did not complete the test to the end.