Training should start a week before the exam, and for the year. Even better - since the beginning of 10th grade. In the summer when you have plenty of time, spend a day, two hours the repetition of material, especially where you feel unsure. So you'll not only update their knowledge but also for the new school year will approach prepared and quickly enter into operating mode. Naturally, the choice of optional exam refer to his future profession. He will be opening for your specialty.
To independently prepare for the exam is very difficult. It is better to seek the assistance of a tutor. Experienced tutor "dragged" is the knowledge that will be helpful for passing the exam and will also help you to see your mistakes. Be prepared that the entire 11 class of your day is home - courses - school.

When you asked to take the trial test, be sure to go. Rehearsal of the exam will help you to feel the atmosphere of this important event, and also to understand how much time you must take solving problems. A maximum of 1 exam is 4 hours. For tasks A and B you should not go more than an hour. The rest of the time will be devoted to job C.
When will come the day "X" to take a pass at the venue of the exam, passport, 2-3 black gel pen, pencil, eraser, ruler. Don't forget chocolate and mineral water.
Going into the audience, quietly situated, a few times take a deep breath and exhale. The main thing - not to worry, after all, you spent an entire year not wasted, and the knowledge you have.
When I bring the package with the tasks and forms, carefully fill in the registration data. After a visual signal at the beginning of the exam proceed to the solution of tasks. Even if you think that you decided I could stay till the last minute. The correct answer may come suddenly.
If the results came back unfavorable, or you are unable to attend a mandatory exam for a valid reason, you have the opportunity to retake it in reserve day. If both the required exam is not passed, a retake is possible only next year. Same thing with the optional exams.