Russian Post

Visit the nearest post office (a list of addresses you can find on the website UFPS of St.-Petersburg). On a special form for telegrams to specify the exact address of the recipient, his surname, name and patronymic. Legibly write the text of the telegram – this will help to avoid distortion of meaning during the transmission. Do not use punctuation, instead you can use standard abbreviations ("PT", "ZPT", "vscl"). Specify a return address. If a telegram of congratulation, a – mark this. You can choose a sample greeting Blanca from samples available at the post office and specify its code. But there is no guarantee that the post office at the place of delivery are in the availability forms with such a figure.
Telegram by phone

You can, not leaving the house, to send the telegram by telephone, using the service "Telegram to the credit" of the St. Petersburg branch of Rostelecom. It is necessary to dial the number 8-126 and dictate the operator the address of the recipient and the message text, optionally specifying that it is necessary to use a greeting form. This can be done at any time of day service is available. The bill for services you receive at the end of the month, along with telephone bills.
Telegram via the Internet

There are quite a number of companies, taking telegrams over the Internet. In order to use them, Google the words "Telegram via Internet" and select the company with the rates and payment method that suits you. As a rule, the cost of such telegrams is much higher, and pay for them can be "electronic currency" (WebMoney, Yandex-money, etc.), a transfer from the account of a Bank card or by SMS.