You will need
  • Radio, Internet connection, search engines.
The simplest and most logical way to get to know the author and the name of the song playing on the radio is to wait for its completion. After the song ends, the DJ called her name and author. But what if you heard the song in a taxi, and to wait for its completion will not work for one simple reason – you should get off at the next stop? Try to remember a few words from the song, they will be useful later.
You can find out everything you need to track information on the Internet, up to the full lyrics. To do this, type in the search service a few words that are memorable for you and start your search. The result will not keep itself waiting – already in a moment you will know everything about a particular song. In addition to recognition songs via text, today there is also a more advanced search by author.
The same as search music songs by fragments of text, it will search by author can be done through search engines. Enter the artist name in the search engine and navigate to the search results on a page with its library. The complexity of this method is that you have to spend a lot of time pereslushav a lot of songs of the author until you find the desired composition.