Specify in the upper right corner of the sheet the name of the organization where you provide the document. The characteristics must begin with information about the identity of the caregiver, the place of study and previous work activities. Well, if the official raises the professional level, actively attending seminars. Welcome any practice on the transfer of teaching experience. Do not forget to specify the date.
Write how knowledgeable a tutor is a person, how creative he is suitable to work with children, please indicate what method of education of children of younger preschool age it owns. Does the caregiver a visual, handouts, didactic material. Maybe he creates a computer presentation that uses the sample material when working with children, this too should write in the description.
Write about how the teacher spends time with communicating with parents and children. It is possible that he is developing a reminder to parents, prepares various scenarios for parent / teacher meetings. Creativity and playing methods of communication can be described in more detail.
Organize information about how the teacher develops the child's imagination, speech and otherwise. Specify, on the basis of personal observations of how the children comfortable in the classroom, whether the results of the development of creative thinking, whether the individual disclosed the potential of kids, describe the results of stimulating cognitive activity of preschool children.
Finish writing the characteristics of a list of qualities of a caregiver. This self-discipline, responsibility, creative approach to work, discipline, dedication and personal interest in the case.
Prepare at least two copies of the performance-characteristics in the many areas required to provide the original document. One of them should always stay with you, in a personal business mentor.
Useful advice
Present information in chronological order, follow the logic, clearly specify all the stages of work of the teacher. Read the document after preparation, at the end of the signature and seal of the organization.