Write the characteristics of official information about the caregiver: name, surname, patronymic, year of birth, education (University, faculty, specialty, year of manufacture) the time during which the caregiver is working in the position. That is, should get something like this:Ivanova Maria Ivanovna, born in 1975. Education: pgpu, faculty of pedagogy and psychology of childhood, specialty – teacher of preschool education. Works at DOU No. 15 from 01.02.2009 present in the younger group.
Write about the professional qualities of the teacher. Professional tasks of the kindergarten teacher very much: to organize the children's day, to be able to communicate with children, to be able to put into practice pedagogical programs, to solve conflicts, to monitor the health and physical development of children, to develop the ability of each child. Write about how is the caregiver coping with their tasks, are they competent, is if in the new teaching programs and methods.
Mandatory professional skills include the ability to find children a common language. The teacher must be able to maintain discipline in the group, but must avoid the coarse methods such as shouting or physical punishment.
Write about the personal qualities of the teacher. A good teacher should have characteristics such as stress stability, sociability, responsibility. And most importantly, a good teacher must love children. Does all these qualities your caregiver? Let us know in your application.
Are you going to ask senior teacher or the head if they believe that they themselves can not cope with this task. But remember that in this case you will be forced to put his signature under false words, which may not always be objective.
Gather under the signature feature of the other parents, if necessary. By the way, the parents of the other children from the group also can help in characterizing.