The characteristics indicate the General provisions describe how did the teacher in the workplace. Give a clear picture of the relationship to his work activities, indicate whether the person is consistent with the position of a teacher.
Be sure to indicate the name of the teacher, add that it from this period to the present time has worked as a teacher (subject) in school no. The teacher has the highest category and category. The experience of so many years. Education teacher.
In the characterization it is necessary to disclose the merits of the teacher. To specify that during the work he showed himself...good words (universal and professional characteristics). A sample list of merits: it has a relevant scientific and theoretical training, is committed to professional development, attending courses and seminars. Variety of modern techniques for the development of creative abilities of students, conducting extracurricular activities, increases the level of motivation of students to its subject matter. In addition to direct work instills in pupils such qualities as honesty, love of nature, hard work. This is evident in his public work.
In the feature should be marked, what was the work of a teacher: led clubs, organized trips, participated in school-wide events, his students took first place in the regional and city Olympiads.
The teacher has authority and respect of colleagues, children and parents. In a difficult situation quickly comes to the rescue, in violation of labor discipline is not seen, has no penalties, does not smoke and does not drink alcohol.If dismissed, then indicate why.
Sign your name, indicate the position and contact information. Certify the document with the seal of the school.