Women often decide to change the pill on the advice of friends or after watching the infomercial. While not everyone finds time to go to the doctor to consult about the safety of this solution for health. But just because, by his own desire to change some of the COC to other is not worth it, even if you think that the new drug would be better for you. Be sure to discuss your idea with your doctor, which you picked up the previous birth control pills. Only he can decide whether this step is justified.
If you made a firm decision about switching to other oral contraceptives, the sequence of action is slightly different, depending on how many pills contains in one pack of your current COC. If there 21 pill, then, taking the last of them, wait 7 days. During this time, you have to go through menstruation. After 7 days, take the first pill of pack of new tools. Do this even if my period has not yet ended.
If a blister KOK that you are now taking, contains 28 tablets, the acceptance of a new drug begin the day after the end of the previous packaging as if it's the same drug. Do not break, even just one day. Continue to take new remedy oral contraceptive, as usual.
Correctly going from one drug to another, you are not violating their security, so additional contraceptive methods are not necessary. But when in doubt, everything went fine, use the first week of taking any more ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Additional protection is needed and, in that case, if a new drug works differently, for example, you move from monophasic contraceptives for three phase.
As other drug contains hormones in a slightly different composition, sometimes there are side effects such as headache, nausea, spotting. This is a normal reaction of the body. If all these reactions are temporary, access to a doctor is not necessary.
Useful advice
If you have never taken hormonal drugs, consult your doctor, so he picked them up for you. To do this, you most likely will need to take a blood test the amount of estrogen. Also the doctor will help information on how regular you have your period, do not suffer you in the past from any illnesses, whether you have chronic diseases.