Analogues of the drug "yasmin"

Analogs of this contraceptive can be divided into two categories: similar in composition and similar in effect, but the composition is different.

The first category includes:
- "Jess";
- "Midian";

The second category is much broader than that. Here are the drugs that are most popular:
- "Lindinet 20";
- "Marvelon";
- "Novinet";
- "Regulon";
- "Jeanine".

If the doctor prescribes it "Yarinu", most likely, this is evidence because this drug differs from other.
Most of the side effects "Yasmin", according to doctors, there if medobsledovanie and willfully taking the drug.

Who and why appointed "Yarinu"

It is believed that the drug "yasmin" effectively reduces the risk of the following diseases: cancer of the uterus and ovaries, inflammation of the genital organs, an ectopic pregnancy. There is a possibility of reducing the risk of mastitis and breast cancer while taking this drug and during menopause reduces the risk of osteoporosis (reduced bone density).

Doses of hormones in the drug are low. In addition to the contraceptive effect, it has antimineralokortikoidnym action, i.e. reduces fluid retention in the body and the associated swelling. The drug is pronounced antiandrogenic effect, and it means that taking it with an excess of male hormones in the body suppresses them. Therefore, the "yasmin" often is assigned with medical and preventive properties.
For a long time there were rumors about the harm of any hormonal contraceptives, and to some extent they were justified: the first drugs had a lot of shortcomings.

Drugs similar to "Arena" the composition generally have a similar effect. Thus, drugs ", Dilla" and "Jess" all copy "Yarinu" the composition and action. "Midian", despite the similar composition, the antiandrogen has no action, but nevertheless similar to natural progesterone. The drug "DIMIA" less than the other, expressed antimineralocorticoid effect.

The right to select such serious drugs as hormonal contraception can only be a qualified doctor. So do not look for analogues assigned to the drug and look for cheaper drug. All hormonal contraceptives are at relatively the same price range. The risk of various side effects is much higher in self-medication.