Follow the traditions when selecting nicknames pedigree Scottish cats. In the nursery where you buy a kitten will tell you what letter it should start, it depends on the litter. In addition, the full name of the cat with a pedigree will include the names of his ancestors, their sound is also important to consider. If the origin of your pet does not impose restrictions on the choice of name, it depends on what you like.

Give a kitten a Scottish name. If you are thinking how to name the cat, pay attention to traditional names. Moreover, each name has its meaning. For example, the name Eileen means "blond beauty", Leslie is "garden of Eden", and Cameron – "snub-nosed" why not a Scottish name for a cat? In addition, you can select the name under the character of the nursling. If she stands out among the other special delights, you can give her a name Andrena, which means "pretty". And if kitty sweet, affectionate and friendly, you can call her Skye or "the dreamer".

Select the nickname among the male Scottish names. They also have their own significance. So a fearful kitten can be called Greg, that is "careful". Brave baby name Bernard, which means "brave like a bear", or Archibald is "genuine courage". The gray cat suit named Graham means "gravel" or Steni – "stone". If a child kitten behaves, it is important and businesslike, name it Padraig, i.e. "nobleman". All of these names because of their "inostrannoe" sound important and aristocratic. You can also choose a neutral name, for example, Ramsey – "wild garlic", Dewi – "favorite" Fork "helmet".

Use the map of Scotland to choose the name among the names of geographic features of this country. It is not necessary to name the kitten Edinburgh, Glasgow or Loch ness, you can find something more unique. For example, in the North of Scotland there are cities Ulbster, Dunnett, Elfin, Holtby and Thurso. They sound nice and quite suitable for a kitten male. For cats too, there is something sweetly, for example, Dalmally, Kilmory, Paisley or Shildeg. Any name can be transformed in a diminutive name.