You will need
- Cat or many cats, this article.
Remember all the popular cat names and nicknames so you don't accidentally call your individual pop name. Cornflower, Mr. cat, Kitty, Fluffy, very good, Kuzma, Murzik - all of this is eliminated! Now define the character of the animal, observe him - there may be features of cat behavior will give you the idea for the name!

Remember nicknames of famous cats from the books, movies, cartoons - maybe your family member resembles any of these characters? Hippo, Boniface, Garfield, Roger, Leopold, Orion, Simba... Or remember your favorite characters - Alf, Aramis, Aragorn, Archibald, Brutus, Voland, hamlet, Guidon, Zeus, Zorro, Icarus, Casper, Lucifer, Porthos, Sherlock. Similar?!
Look at the celebrities, there is also a lot of names worthy of your pet - Arnold, Buckingham, Belmondo, Benjamin, Bismarck, Voltaire, Homer, Columbus, Magellan, Newton, Tamerlan.
Look at the celebrities, there is also a lot of names worthy of your pet - Arnold, Buckingham, Belmondo, Benjamin, Bismarck, Voltaire, Homer, Columbus, Magellan, Newton, Tamerlan.

Name your cat a name consonant with the name of breed cat - Abik, Highlander, Manczyk, Perseus, Rex,snow leopard, IRBIS, Loew, tiger, Tigris, Yaga. There are also cats that resemble their larger cousins, only in miniature.
Maybe call the cat by its appearance - Apricot, coral, Orange, grey, Smoke, Chestnut, Peach, ginger, Blackie, amber? Or looking at the behavior of the animal, will find a suitable to his character name - Ataman, Sir, the dark knight, Baron, Boss, brawler, Turn, Thunder, Demon, Diesel, Zhorik, Major, Marquis, Mr., modest, Mourlin, Pirate, pride, Prince, the Sultan, the Tyrant, Tikhon, Pharaoh, FOP, Sheik, Shock.
Maybe call the cat by its appearance - Apricot, coral, Orange, grey, Smoke, Chestnut, Peach, ginger, Blackie, amber? Or looking at the behavior of the animal, will find a suitable to his character name - Ataman, Sir, the dark knight, Baron, Boss, brawler, Turn, Thunder, Demon, Diesel, Zhorik, Major, Marquis, Mr., modest, Mourlin, Pirate, pride, Prince, the Sultan, the Tyrant, Tikhon, Pharaoh, FOP, Sheik, Shock.

Look what the cat eats. Because cats are what they eat! Baton, Faflic, Yogurt, Donuts, Sausage, Cat Food, Anchovy, Chicken.
Look to yourself - cat your purchase and can share your passions. Akbars, Cupid, Atlas, Baikal, Bax, BAM, Bombay, Boatswain, Brussels, Jack, Versailles, Voldajj, East, Volcano, Jazz, Joker, DRAF, Danube, Yenisei, Cairo, Click, Cotangent, Coupon, Lotus, Pamir, Strike, Sportaka, Tibet. Among the geographical names of the many beautiful and sonorous names.
Look to yourself - cat your purchase and can share your passions. Akbars, Cupid, Atlas, Baikal, Bax, BAM, Bombay, Boatswain, Brussels, Jack, Versailles, Voldajj, East, Volcano, Jazz, Joker, DRAF, Danube, Yenisei, Cairo, Click, Cotangent, Coupon, Lotus, Pamir, Strike, Sportaka, Tibet. Among the geographical names of the many beautiful and sonorous names.

Remember about his dream and to remember it more often, tell the cat her name is Lexus, Mars, Dollar, Trip, Coupon, Prize.
Read or browse the dictionary of the Russian language, at the same time check the name value. But no matter how you named your pussy take care of it, remember that we are responsible for those who tamed!
Read or browse the dictionary of the Russian language, at the same time check the name value. But no matter how you named your pussy take care of it, remember that we are responsible for those who tamed!

A Poem By Thomas Eliot
Choose a cat - this is not a joke,
It's you, sorry, not a song to sing.
Every cat I have not lost my mind -
Certainly three names needs to have.
First, a simple home name:
Peter, Augustus, Alonzo, Adam,
Victor, Cecily, Bessie Il Jimmy
My compliments to these names!
With them a number of names more difficult
As for gentlemen, for ladies:
Plato, Antigone, Admet, Niobe -
Again, the reverence for such names!
But you need something unique,
Separately and full of special beauty,
And that will not hold the tail vertically
And with the importance of not fluff moustache.
And here you have examples of this kind:
Primacy, Maysa, Coricopat,
Bombalurina and Cellmod -
Such double names are not allowed.
However, there is a name, the first two in addition,
Only the cat knows but we don't.
And whatever our unbearable
It will not open we still.
And, if you see cat absorbed
The thinking seems to be unearthly,
Know that he must be immersed,
In thoughts about thoughts about thoughts about the name.
About his incredible and deep
Embrace-immense, unfathomable
Secret name it.
Choose a cat - this is not a joke,
It's you, sorry, not a song to sing.
Every cat I have not lost my mind -
Certainly three names needs to have.
First, a simple home name:
Peter, Augustus, Alonzo, Adam,
Victor, Cecily, Bessie Il Jimmy
My compliments to these names!
With them a number of names more difficult
As for gentlemen, for ladies:
Plato, Antigone, Admet, Niobe -
Again, the reverence for such names!
But you need something unique,
Separately and full of special beauty,
And that will not hold the tail vertically
And with the importance of not fluff moustache.
And here you have examples of this kind:
Primacy, Maysa, Coricopat,
Bombalurina and Cellmod -
Such double names are not allowed.
However, there is a name, the first two in addition,
Only the cat knows but we don't.
And whatever our unbearable
It will not open we still.
And, if you see cat absorbed
The thinking seems to be unearthly,
Know that he must be immersed,
In thoughts about thoughts about thoughts about the name.
About his incredible and deep
Embrace-immense, unfathomable
Secret name it.
Nicknames for cats or call the kitty boy, girl. The name must be selected wisely. Of course, you can use any word, ancient name, city name your child a nickname or the name of your favorite band name may be associated with some important event.
Useful advice
Articles on the care of cats. What to call the kitten: a guide to feline names. In your house there was a small furry friend! But sometimes the naming of a kitten is a challenge comparable to the choice of name for the newborn and the subject of long discussions in the family circle. Select the name of the cat or the cat is very demanding.