What can a person do in order to get out from under the yoke of reason? Many of the familiar idea of the struggle with our inner world, and attempts to distract him by any external factors. This can be a variety of entertainment, the use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs. Rare - deep immersion in labour and up to align themselves in a state of complete exhaustion.

This happens due to the fact that the European world does not tend to see other ways to solve their internal problems.

Fortunately, there is a simple technique that will help everyone who wants to achieve a sense of balance and peace in mind.

Worth a try to change the resistance of thoughts and emotions on their adoption. At first glance, it may seem difficult, but oddly enough not to do anything with them. Simply put, to stop fuel to the fire. You can ask yourself “can I allow my thoughts to be?”. If exercise is not work - it makes sense to try a variety of relaxation practices including meditation or positions of yoga.

After these phenomena had been taken - the person opens a new feature called monitoring. So now he can look the part on your thought forms and feelings without interfering with them. And in the presence of close observation, they tend to slow down, and then dissolve, leaving behind only a background sense of calm.

In General, the point is close to meditation. And if to be more precisely - to the active option, without a seat in silence, and elements of relaxation. Perhaps the Council was about the observation may seem difficult, especially for those people who are constantly involved in their feelings and reasoning. But enough to pay attention to information from organs of perception: the world, the sounds, the smells, the tactile sensations on the skin. This will help shift the focus of consciousness with its phenomena for his observation. Because, ultimately, people and so is this “silent watcher”.