Treatment of the scratches from a cat

Of course, it is better not to bring the case to scratches or bites. It is necessary to foresee the critical moment when your favorite animal is ready to use claws. But if it still came up scratching immediately spend processing a two-percentage solution of hydrogen peroxide and lubricate zelenkoj or iodine. Traditional methods to avoid infection, redness and suppuration of wounds.
The causative agent of lymphoreticulosis is transmitted through blood. If the pussy you were scratched, immediately take all preventive measures to avoid getting sick.

To scratches did not appear blue or red stripes that look attractive and attract the attention of others, make sure to buy tools that help with faster healing and regeneration of skin cells.

"Synthesis" - antiseptic based on myristic acid. This tool is considered the best drug for preventing inflammation and suppuration of the wounds and scratches left by the cat. Apply a thin layer to clean, dry skin morning and evening. After a few days from the resulting scratches will not be over. To handle scratches should be thoroughly.

Equally effective drug under the trade name "EMU oil". The combination of the two means your scratches heal faster. To buy the drug at the pharmacy. The cost affordable.
The mention of cat scratch disease is the legend of Akhenaten – the Egyptian Pharaoh. His legal wife gave me a new concubine kitten from scratching which the beautiful Nefertiti died.

Why not leave the cat scratches unattended

In the body many cats lives the causative agent of lymphoreticulosis, or bacterial lymphadenitis. While the animal itself has no pain and looks happy and healthy. Person the infection is transmitted through scratches, bites. If despite all your steps, places scratches start to become inflamed, red or nagivate, consult a physician infectious disease.

Based on the results of the survey will prescribe treatment. Most often the doctor prescribes antibiotics for internal and external use. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and ranges from 7 to 14 days.

I wish to avoid such consequences from contact with a beloved Cat? Promptly put vaccinated cat. It is worth noting, even a vaccinated animal can be infected again if freely visits the street. Therefore, you should not lose vigilance. Because scratch can even beloved master.