You will need
  • Box, clean diaper.
Calculate approximate date of birth. On average, pregnancy in cats lasts about 60-70 days. Remember when you were binding, add the average term of pregnancy, and you will get approximate date of birth of the kittens.
Prepare the site for delivery and ensure that someone from the household will be able to look after the cat and help her if necessary. It is desirable that at the right moment you were able to get off work and take birth from your pet.
Provide your British cat with good conditions for birth. Lay in a specially prepared box of clean diapers. Make sure that the room was warm and quiet to strangers and loud noises do not interfere with the expectant mother. The fact that British cat at the time of birth is very important to feel protected. Otherwise, the birth can be delayed or even stop until until the animal calms down.
Don't worry, otherwise your favorite, too, will start to worry. When you start the fight, you will immediately notice a wave-like motion inside the abdomen of the expectant mother. Carefully and gently stroke the cat, talk to her quiet, gentle voice. Do not leave the cat alone, keep her calm, if she starts to rush and a loud meow.
Check the condition of the cat. After some time the contractions will go in attempts, and you will see how the first kitten is born. If the kitten cannot be born a little POPs out, then disappears again – lubricate the hole with vaseline to the cat was easier to push the baby. If this does not work, gently take the kitten's skin and slowly pull it out. In any case, do not grab his legs, head and other body parts, because you can hurt or even kill fragile newborn!
Pay attention to how the cat takes care of the baby. If the kitten was born in a bubble, and the cat did not immediately gnawing on it – quickly take the scissors and carefully cut the tape. Extract from a kitten, remove mucus from nostrils and mouth. If the kitten is not breathing, bend his body, pressing his head to the rear feet, straighten and bend again. Repeat this several times.
Always make sure the appearance of the placenta: how many kittens born, so it must be placenta. The cat should be allowed to eat 1-2 of the placenta, but the rest definitely need to throw to have a new mother not vomited and no diarrhea started.