You will need
  • - statement on the deregistration of the vehicle;
  • - passport;
  • - PTS on the car.
For deregistration of the vehicle in the traffic police you need to fill in the application form. Application form you can download on the official website of the traffic police or take to your local office. If you do not want to fill Salvinia personally, you can contact a specialized firm. They exist in each branch of the traffic police. The specialist will fill out your application that will help you to avoid unnecessary problems.
In the statement specify the name of the registration division of Gosavtoinspektsii, your name, information about the owner of the car. If you are the owner, specify your details: date of birth, passport information, place of residence, citizenship, gender, and INN.
The next field to fill - information about the vehicle. Specifies the vehicle identification number, make, model and engine number, name of manufacturer, year of manufacture, chassis number, chassis number, color, engine capacity, the passport data of the vehicle, the cost of the car. All the data on your car you can find in the TCP. The statement has a separate count to fill, if it is not the owner of the car, and his representative.
On the reverse side of the statement mark makes the employee Gosavtoinspektsii. It specifies the number of the issued transit facilities, vehicle data, numbers of captured license plates and the list of documents accepted from the applicant. The statement is made in one copy. After removing the vehicle from the register shall be noted in the title and issued transit numbers.