Salvage car with balance – necessary procedure of each firm. It would seem that you can leave obsolete equipment in a warehouse and live in peace. However, even for non-equipment budget unit pays the tax.
Thus, first get the assessment report or AMTS. This document contains all the information about the condition and residual value of the car. After that, go to the official cancellation of the car, selling it for parts, etc.
If we talk about the procedure for determining the residual value of the vehicle, it consists of several stages:

Write a statement about removing the car from the account in traffic police. For this grant the state authorities the passport, registration certificate, registration certificate and other papers;
Surrender license plates;
Wait 10 days, during which all documents are checked and sent to the tax office;
Will get the final cost of vehicle tax.
You may need to undergo additional inspection, to show the statements issued instead of the lost documents, powers of attorney for the vehicle, etc.
Now go on to the procedure of writing off the car. To do this, the Director of the company shall make an order for disposal of the vehicle. It remains only to visit the state bodies, in particular the traffic police and the stamp. You should pay attention to the fact that to do this operation in any area in your city, regardless of residence or location of the firm.
In March, will pay all taxes, including depreciation. The fact that the Russian legislation (article 362 paragraph 3 of the tax code) says that the month of the vehicle de-registration is calculated as a whole month. You must also pay vehicle tax.