Because of its shorter length, rack is very convenient in everyday life. This haircut is able to make the eye more three-dimensional and there is a short fringe to lengthen the face, if necessary.
In daily yourself to put the caret first need to do a scythe or parted in the middle, then place the bangs and secure it with varnish, before drying it is better to apply to damp hair and a little gel or foam when blow-drying podrachivaya round brush the ends of the strands inside.
Also nice it will look if to make curly strands. For this you need to twist wet hair in curlers and allow the hair to dry. After removing the curlers, apply to wavy strands from root to tip a little gel or wax, just do not overdo it. This type of styling will fit side parting. The final touch will be styling bangs and fixing the hairstyle varnish.
According to stylists, to fashionable and properly stacked haircuts caret after shampooing apply to wet hair modelling mousse and with her head down, drying her hair. After drying, you can gel, wax or plain water to separate the individual strands and in the end to fix the varnish. This method of installation is very simple, it is quite possible to do independently at home. The hair can be spun inside, fully straighten the pad to bend in the opposite direction, you can do more twisted the individual strands, all of which help to diversify your daily appearance.
Today again came into fashion hair accessories, matching it in tone to the accessories present on your clothes, you will look very stylish. Yourself to put the caret, you can use various barrettes or headbands. By purchasing a few accessories of different colors, you will be able easily to change their way. For example, for an evening fashion show, you can release locks on both sides of the face and twist them into curls, and the rest of the hair gently to gather into a beam and finally to fix the varnish.
How to put caret
The master has been very important in Ancient Egypt and today it is again becoming very popular, he returned to new level of fashion spiral.
According to stylists, the caret is the same haircut, which can put a lot of experiments on laying.
According to stylists, the caret is the same haircut, which can put a lot of experiments on laying.

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