You will need
  • Computer with Internet access.
Before you view or read incoming messages in your email account, you must open it. For this you need to launch a browser and in the address bar to type the exact address of the web server that hosts your e-mail. In the empty field enter your login information (username and password). If you're not sure what data you used when registering, use the option "recover account password".
After clicking "Enter" you will be on the page of your mailbox. Click on the Inbox to see all emails in this directory. The letters marked with a paperclip have attachments (uploaded files). Such letters should be treated very carefully, applications to the e-mails may contain malicious objects.
To view the letter click the title bar. The headers of unread messages in that folder appear in bold and are usually top of the list. If an open letter is not displayed correctly, i.e. instead of the usual Cyrillic letters you can see the squiggles, you must scroll through the text of the letter to the end and click a link to another encoding. If you've tried all the encodings and the desired result was not obtained, therefore, the sender works with other operating system or email program.
After reading the text of the letter, you can delete it. To do this, press the appropriate button at the top or bottom button bar. If the letter is not removed, it will remain in the Inbox. A large number read the letters leads to slow loading of the mailbox, so it is advisable to regularly delete unnecessary messages. Important letter for you, it is recommended to back up or move to another directory, for this action there is a special button.