Check out one of the editions of the tariff-qualifying directory in accordance with the industry for which you want to calculate the payment. Find out the size of the tariff rate of the first category (cannot be below the minimum wage), and how many digits are provided for under the collective agreement of the enterprise. Find out whether various bonuses and allowances to the rates.
Determine the rate of a worker of any category according to the formula:

Tsp = TC1 × TCH

where Tsp is the rate of discharge;

TC1 – tariff rate of the first category;

TKP – the appropriate tariff rate.

Please note that the tariff rate of the first category is always 1.
Expect to pay at monthly rates if the monthly norm of working time according to the schedule of the employee always coincide with the norms established in a manufacturing calendar.
Use the calculation for daily wage rates, if the duration of work every day the same, but the number of working days in month is different from the mode you set the calendar five days a week.
Use the hourly tariff rate, which is required for the calculation of salaries in the following cases:

for work in heavy, harmful and hazardous conditions;

for overtime;

- for night work;

for work on weekends and holidays.
Determine the hourly rate at your facility. There are two methods for its calculation. In the first method it is determined by relations salary (monthly rate) to the number of hours worked in a given month according to the calendar. The second, by the relationship the employee's salary to the average number of hours worked in a calendar year.
Specify the procedure for calculating hourly wage rate in the collective agreement of the enterprise.