Varicella refers to infectious diseases that are transferred by airborne droplets. Consider chickenpox a childhood disease because it is usually infected before the age of 7 years.

The insidious nature of chickenpox in adults

Kids tolerate chickenpox is relatively easy, discomfort bring only an itchy rash. I have been ill for life be immune to the ailment. If in the childhood he avoided the disease, his body remains in front of the chickenpox virus completely defenseless.

Perhaps that is why sick adults suffer chickenpox heavier, and the risk of complications such as pneumonia or bronchitis for them is much higher. The main reason is the difference between the degree of immune protection. In children whose mothers had chicken pox, the disease is mild because their body is still protected by maternal immunity. Adults have well developed their immune system, coping poorly with chicken pox: the body appears more severe rash, lasts a long time high temperature, a sore throat, may have convulsions.

How to cope with chicken pox

A significant difference in the fight against chickenpox in children and adults, but the latter can take a number of medicines, contraindicated in children. The sooner treatment is started, the easier it will be to leak the disease. Central to this success is unacceptable scratching of the blisters.

Treatment of chickenpox takes place on an outpatient basis. Antipyretic drugs break fever, and itching or can be removed to facilitate the reception of one pills "Diazolin" in the morning and evening, or by using "Tavegil or Suprastin". These drugs affect the body as a sedative, so it's easier to sleep, and it helps to tolerate the itch. Rash can not be wetted with water for at least 3-5 days from the moment of its appearance, that is, any counter-water treatments, except for necessary hygiene.

To heal boils and abscesses used against means-antiseptic: brilliant green, Fukortsin", "Rivanol". After 10-14 days the rash will dry and begin to peel off, leaving the skin shallow wounds pink. Not to leave scars, after the final recovery of the space abscesses throughout the week you can lubricate a nourishing cream accelerates skin regeneration and healing.

Avoid possible complications is possible only by adhering to bed rest. To restore normal fluid balance in the body helps to drink plenty of liquids. The patient is recommended to stick to breast diet to completely eliminate fried, fatty and spicy foods. It is also necessary to monitor the cleanliness of your clothes and bedding.