"Furosemide" is assigned with stagnation in the big and small circle of blood circulation, liver cirrhosis, acute and chronic renal failure, eclampsia, cerebral edema, and the lungs, the administration of barbiturates. The drug is also indicated for patients with severe forms of hypertension, in which diuretics and other medications are not effective. "Furosemide" is recommended for lifting sharp and rapid rise in blood pressure. The drug is contraindicated in hypersensitivity to the elements of drugs, stenosis of the urethra, glomerulonephritis, hypokalemia, precomatose condition, hepatic coma, gout, cardiomyopathy, myocardial infarction, digitalisnaya intoxication and other diseases. Prescribe a drug only a doctor, self-medication can lead to disastrous condition of the patient.
"Furosemide" is used intravenously, intramuscularly and inside. The pill used for 40 mg once a day in the morning. If necessary, the daily dose increased to 160 mg. In such cases, the drug is divided into two times and take every 6 hours. Also the dosage was raised to 240-320 mg in severe renal failure. After the swelling is gone, the dosage is gradually reduced to the minimum and increase the interval between meals up to 2 days. In hypertensive disease the drug is recommended to drink 20-40 mg once a day. Drug take before meals.
During the reception, "Furosemide" may experience redness of the skin, hypotension, diarrhea, nausea, hearing loss, nephritis, depression, dizziness, thirst and muscle weakness. May decrease potassium level in the body and improve the glucose. When adverse action is necessary to stop using the drug or reduce the dose.
Before therapy "Furosemide" should be correct electrolyte disturbances. During treatment necessary to monitor renal function and liver, blood pressure and indices of glucose and electrolytes in the blood serum. You cannot mix a solution of "Furosemide" in the same syringe with another drug. The drug, to prevent hypokalemia, should be combined with potassium-sparing diuretics. "Furosemide" produces Bulgarian company Balkanpharma-Dupnitza AD. From the pharmacy without prescription. An analogue drug is the drug "Lasix".