Vitamins that should be taken by pregnant

Gynecologists to all expectant mothers prescribed folic acid, or vitamin B9. It is a water soluble element that must be ingested with food. The main sources are: spinach, cabbage, lettuce, asparagus, broccoli, citrus fruits, strawberries, beans, carrots and beets.

It would seem that such an extensive list, but some, especially pregnant women, is very much lack of folic acid. Because healthy people are now scarce and the assimilation of this element reduces diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. And green is a seasonal product, which in winter can be sorely missed on the table.

Vitamin B9 is responsible for the correct laying of the nervous system in the fetus, therefore, folic acid should come in sufficient quantity in a particularly critical period of 3-6 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, there is a bookmark all organs of the unborn child. Folic acid deficiency at this time is fraught with the appearance of pathologies of the nervous system in the fetus. The best would be if a woman is planning a pregnancy in advance and begins to take vitamin B9.

In addition to folic acid, from the first days of pregnancy should start taking vitamin E. It helps to prevent the risk of miscarriage, profilaktirujut the detachment of the placenta and is also involved in the formation of the respiratory system of the fruit improves the supply of oxygen to the embryo. By taking vitamin E in pregnant women to normalize hormonal balance, improving lactation, improves condition of skin, hair and nails.

Trace elements that are necessary for pregnant

Often doctors immediately prescribe the expectant mother, iodine. The most common is the "codomain". Iodine deficiency during pregnancy may negatively affect brain development of the fetus. In the early stages the disadvantage of this trace element may contribute to miscarriage. Iodine promotes the formation of immunity of the pregnant woman, which is very important in this period when the body vulnerable to all infections, and to be treated by many drugs is just prohibited.

Of course, iodine-containing drugs are prescribed only after the hormonal examination of women under constant medical supervision. Self the pills are better not to start. After all, only a specialist can determine the optimal dosage and duration of use.