You will need
  • "But-shpa";
  • - "Paracetamol";
  • "Mukaltin";
  • "Bromhexine";
  • - "Claimant";
  • - "Procto-glivenol";
  • "Anestezol";
  • "Venoruton";
  • - "Gepatrombin";
  • - "Troxevasin";
  • - "Forlax";
  • - "The treatment";
  • - "Tavegil";
  • "Reserpin";
  • - "Smectite";
  • - "Maalox";
  • - "Fosfalyugel";
  • - "Talcid".
Most often a pregnant woman suffering from headaches, which are very difficult to stop without pharmaceutical drugs. If the cause of migraine is a spasm, you should take the "no-silos". By the way, this drug can save you from discomfort in the gut and dental pain.
Many are wondering what the tablet is allowed to pregnant with a cold. The most safe are products based on paracetamol. It not only reduces inflammation but also relieves headaches. Severe coughing woman in an interesting position shown "Mukaltin" and "Bromhexine" as well as the infusion of mother and stepmother. From a cold will save You, "Nazol", "Pinosol." Highly undesirable to take "Aspirin" - it affects the kidneys and heart of the unborn baby.
Often in the third trimester women tormented by hemorrhoids. To relieve swelling and reduce pain to help spark the "Claimant", "Procto-glivenol", "Anestezol". If the disease passed into a chronic form, to remove the aggravation, you can use butadienovogo ointment.
Reduce the appearance of varicose veins rasshirenie you can use "Venoruton", "Gepatrombin", "Troxevasin". To prevent disease you should regularly do exercises from leg edema, sleeping with raised legs, ankle resting on a pillow, and wear compression stockings.
Medication during pregnancy with constipation is limited to the drug "Forlax". It is the only laxative, non-hazardous to the fetus. In any case can not do an enema, especially in the 2-3 trimester, and also drink herbal teas on the basis of Senna and buckthorn. These plants irritate the uterus and can cause miscarriage.
What drugs are allowed for pregnant women with cystitis and other diseases of the genitourinary system, can only tell the doctor. Independent use of the drug is fraught with miscarriage, pathology in childbirth or fetal development.
Women with allergies to the period of carrying a child have to settle for "Pain" or "Tavegilum". Just be sure to notify the medication your gynecologist.
Those who suffer from hypertension need to know that medication during pregnancy is limited. In a pinch, you can make "Reserpin", but should not get involved with this drug as it causes drowsiness.
Very often the expectant mother, exasperated, heartburn, flatulence, bloating. Their drug treatment during pregnancy is with the help of "Smecta", "Maalox", "Fosfalugel" and "Talcid".