Folic acid - a vitamin necessary for the normal development of the fetus. Its lack can lead to various types of violations. If you are planning a pregnancy, consult a specialist for 2-3 months prior to conception. Most likely, the specialist will prescribe you and your husband daily intake of folic acid for prevention of its deficiency.
Remember that taking this vitamin on the stage of pregnancy planning contributes to successful conception. This is especially true for those who are experiencing this specific problem. Folic acid improves sperm quality in men.
If the pregnancy is a surprise to you, contact your doctor as soon as possible. At the reception, be sure to discuss with the specialist the need for folic acid supplementation. This vitamin is found in certain foods. Quite a lot of it in fish, beef, spinach, cheese, and dairy products. If you are sure that they eat properly and adequately, it is possible that additional intake of vitamin will be unnecessary for you, but it happens very rarely.
Modern doctors prescribe folic acid almost all pregnant women in the early stages the need for it increases rapidly and is very difficult to compensate for its deficiency in the body through diet. If the doctor prescribed you vitamin, do not neglect this appointment. A lack of folic acid leads to impaired development of organs and tissues of the fetus and may cause spontaneous abortion.
Vitamin take 1 tablet 2 times a day or 1 tablet daily. A more accurate dosage will assign you a doctor, based on how full you eat. If in the past you had problems with spontaneous abortion, a specialist might increase the recommended dosage of the drug.
Take folic acid only for the first trimesta when there is a bookmark of organs and tissues of the fetus. In the later stages of pregnancy in her acceptance is not necessary.