Ways of infection are very diverse. The most common way is through the digestive tract. Along with unwashed vegetables, fruits, berries, undercooked fish and meat in the body can reach millions of helminth eggs. By inhalation of dust that contains the eggs and cysts of helminths can also cause the contamination. Parasites can infiltrate the body through the skin. Through insect bites is also possible infestation. During pregnancy, the mother can infect the fetus.
The signs that the body may be infected with parasites include: low hemoglobin, sudden weight changes, constant hunger, frequent headaches, disturbance of gastro-intestinal tract, joint pain, skin rashes, susceptibility to colds, allergies.
Disease developed on the background of infection with human helminths, it is useless to treat. First you need to get rid of parasitic diseases. The treatment is carried out after visiting the doctor and taking the required tests. For getting rid of helminths used pharmacological drugs, traditional medicines, homeopathic medicines.
The most effective method of treatment is medication. To cure helminthiasis possible in a relatively short period. Depending on the identified type of worms your doctor may prescribe drugs from the group of antihelminthic drugs. When infected with Ascaris, pinworm, hookworm can prescribe pills "Dekaris", "Vermoxum", "Piperazine", "Helmintox". When the diagnosis of infection with nematodes, shimotomai, trematodes, cestodes prescribers "Detrain", "Finasol", "Praziquantel".
The homeopathic method of treatment of helminthiasis safe and has no side effects. The healing process will be longer compared to pharmacological. Here is a very important qualification of a specialist homeopath who will find the right treatment. Wrong medications will not bring results.
Traditional medicine offers a very wide selection of medications for the treatment of parasitic diseases. Herbs are used in form of infusions, tinctures, decoctions. To the medicinal plants with anti-parasitic properties include celandine, tansy, and wormwood. Also such properties are elecampane, black walnut, cloves. They are used separately or in collection.