Want to achieve real results it should be remembered that to perform the exercises every day, and class time should not be less than one and a half hours. To increase your muscle mass, it is necessary to perform exercises with load. You can take a backpack with heavy books inside.
Exercises will be on the floor and on the bar, so you need to hang a horizontal bar in a convenient place. Place hands shoulder-width apart, grasp the bar with palms "on", pull up. To build muscle you can, sinking and lifting on the bar with the same speed. You must breathe evenly, making on the rise of breath, and when lowering and exhale.
Change grip, let all fingers of the "top" cover the bar. Pull so that the bar was "behind the head". Start with three pull-UPS, trying to gradually bring the number up to your maximum.
To distribute the load evenly, use grip 1.5 shoulder width, further bringing the ratio to 2. This mode of exercise will pump up not only hand muscles but also the muscles of the back and abdominals.
The next exercise is push-UPS. "Nagruzilas" the backpack load and perform an odd number of pushups in one approach, relying on his fists. Start with five pushups and gradually increase their number. Alternate approaches with the rest.
To perform the following exercise, find the biting point, it can be a sofa or the battery (put your feet under a sofa or the battery). With hands behind the head, elevate and lower torso with a backpack, trying to slowly bend back. The breathing should be uniform, for one approach do 5 ascents-descents.
Sit on the floor with legs bent at the knees at an angle of 90⁰. Put legs under the battery. Lean backward, holding his hands behind his head. Lifting evenly rotate your body to the right and left. On the floor don't lower the back, do up to 5 times for the approach.
Squats do, picking up extra weight. The back should be straight, hands pull forward, one approach should be to squat 14 times.

After you're done, don't go to sleep, better take a short walk.