Why itchy head of the penis

Unbearable itching sensations in the genital area very difficult to endure. But above all, you need to find out why exactly was this "trouble". It happens that the penis itches from non-compliance with elementary rules of personal hygiene.

Often itching may be due to the action of external stimuli, such as: overheating, tight synthetic underwear or the influence of potent drugs for external use. If within several days the alleged causes have been ruled out and symptoms remain, you should think seriously.

Often the itching of the penis is accompanied by a rash, redness, irritation and the appearance of discharge, indicating the presence of any disease. The most common causes of these unpleasant sensations are various skin disease, pubic lice, genital herpes, candidiasis and other infections, sexually transmitted. In addition, the causal factors can be nervous disorders, allergic reactions, blood diseases, kidney, endocrine disorders, hepatitis and cancer.

How to get rid of the problem

Self-diagnosis and self-treatment itching is unacceptable, it can exacerbate the disease and lead to undesirable consequences. The correct and sensible answer to the question "why itchy penis?" can give only a specialist. In most cases the causes of these unpleasant sensations are easily detected through laboratory diagnosis. With the full examination can identify genital infections and chronic indolent disease.

Subsequent treatment will depend on the causes of itching, it should be carried out according to the assignments of the attending physician. For example, in milder forms of yeast enough use of the local use of candles or ointments. In severe course of the disease are assigned additional drugs that have an effect on the entire body. If the cause of itching of the penis will be dermatitis, the elimination of the irritating factor and the appointment of appropriate medicines will relieve the patient from discomfort.

In any case, when the itch is preferable to seek the advice of a dermatologist and visiting the doctor to refrain from scratching, so as not to aggravate the problem and not an infection.