Causes and symptoms of steatorrhea

The main symptoms of steatorrhea: the release of copious and greasy stools, diarrhea. In violation of the outflow of bile, the patient suffers from jaundice with dark urine and discolored stools. Steatorrhea is the main manifestation of intestinal lymphoma (a malignant tumor). In this case the patient, in addition to abdominal pain, may experience fever, symptoms of intestinal obstruction.

Steatorrhea is observed, mainly in diseases of the pancreas, blockage of the duct Virangana, diseases Addison's and Graves'. This pathology occurs in enteritis, celiac disease, diverticulosis of the bowel, Crohn's disease, pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, in the liver or bile ducts. The severity of the disease depends on the severity of the pancreas and the small intestine. Steatorrhea also develops in secondary malabsorption syndrome in patients with psoriasis, eczema, in endocrine diseases. Cause of pathology may be taking certain medications, laxatives.
Steatorrhea can occur when eating large amounts of fat.

Steatorrhea can be caused by a previously migrated bowel resection, contributing to impaired fat absorption due to reduced circulation of bile salts between the intestine and liver. At the conditions accompanied by stagnation of intestinal contents, a decrease in the secretion of gastric juice, decreased peristaltic activity of the intestine the intense multiplication of bacterial flora, accelerated the breakdown of bile salts.

Steatorrhea: diagnosis and treatment

In the diagnosis of steatorrhea is of great importance macroscopic examination of feces. In this disease the stool have a distinctive grayish-clay color, on the surface there is a RAID, like frozen fat. With existing severe lesions of pancreas dry matter of feces contains up to 50-80% fat. Setarea leads to exhaustion. The patient developed hypocholesterolemia, leukopenia, hypoproteinemia, hypolipidemia, anemia, hyponatremia, hypocalcemia.
When steatorrhea is necessary to take vitamins B12, B15, nicotinic and ascorbic acid, Pancreatin.

Treatment of steatorrhea comes to therapy of the underlying disease. The patient must eat a healthy diet, the diet should contain increased amounts of animal protein. From the menu you want to exclude plant proteins, gluten, and limit fat. Carbohydrates should be consumed in small quantities. To improve the absorption of nutrients in the intestines it is recommended to include in the menu fish and lean meat broths.