The color of stool is normal

The color of stool varies with age. It depends on the differences in the diet of the infant (infants on artificial feeding and natural also have differences in the color of feces) and adult, as well as from changes in the digestive system.

The first stool of the infant is meconium. He has greenish-black color. In fact it is the mucous plug, which contains a large amount of bilirubin, which gives the rock a greenish tint.

The color of stool baby being breastfed, gold, can be yellow-green (also in connection with the admixture of bilirubin), air cal can be oxidized and green. A baby being bottle-fed, the stool will be pale yellow or light brown.

Chair older children will be normal dark brown, without impurities mucus or blood (hue depends on food intake or medication).

Chair healthy adult will not differ from a chair in older children. The color will be different shades of brown (the brown color gives the stool bile pigments). The use of different products also affect the color of stool: milk give a lighter, cold – dark, vegan diet is greenish.

Drugs affect chair color: charcoal, bismuth, iron give a black color, some antibiotics – Golden-yellow. In infants iron can give a reddish education in Calais, which will be similar to the admixture of blood.

The color of feces depending on the diseases

When you reduce the amount of bile pigments in the faeces may be grayish-white, sand.

Blood from the stomach will give the feces a black color, reddish he will be bleeding from the lower divisions of the intestine, and red blood on the surface of the stool appears with hemorrhoidal bleeding. Blood appears in dysentery.

Grayish-yellow stool can be with pancreatitis.

Chair grey in colour, and later in the development of the disease is a colorless and watery with cholera. It outwardly resembles rice water.

The color of the chair with Salmonella depends on the form of the disease. Often reminiscent of "swamp slime" - a slimy, greenish. The same color of chair can be found in rotavirus infection.

Visible pus appears when ulcerative lesions of the colon. Inflammatory diseases of the colon on the surface of the stool appears clumps or strands of mucus.

The color of the stool to determine the disease is very difficult, because you need to consider a number of other factors, but changes in the color (and consistency) should be alerted and to give a reason to visit a doctor and to pass feces for coprological study.

Collection of feces for coprological study

You need to be able to collect the feces for research. If the stool will be guaiac blood, a couple of days before collection need to stop eating fish and meat, the teeth are not cleaned, and rinsing with mouthwash in order to avoid traumatizing the gums. 4-5 days to stop taking drugs that affect the color of the chair, not giving enemas and rectal suppositories.

In the collected stool should not be impurities of urine and water. Utensils for studies should be clean and dry.

Collection should be from several locations serving chair.

Collect possible carry out the day before and store the feces in a sealed container in the refrigerator.