Why selling is important?

Sales in business is not only the direct exchange of goods for money, but almost all the activity focused on making a profit. Sales represent the final stage of the operation of the enterprise, regardless of whether it's services or produces goods. It is obvious that the efficiency of the sales Department affects the whole company, therefore the competent organization of such a Department is an important component of a successful business.

Unfortunately, many leaders do not understand the specifics of the sales Department, often confusing them with the Department for work with clients. Of course, the responsibility of sales is to find new customers and maintain contact with the old one, but we must not forget that the main task of the Department is sales, i.e. transactions. Ideally, the sales Manager should give calls and meetings with potential clients more than 80% of the time, and the rest to spend on the preparation of documentation and planning. In reality, it often happens that instead of the sales Manager is responsible for advertising, accounting, support and consulting clients.
The job of a sales Manager is one of the most stressful, as it involves constant contact with people and convincing them of the need to make a deal.

Structure of the sales Department

As a rule, the structure of the division of sales is as follows: the head of Department is a supervisor, supervising employees and planning the work of the Department, and in subjection to him – several managers on directions, travel Manager and the Manager taking orders. Such an organization leads to the fact that managers are forced to implement the entire cycle - from promotional activities to processing contracts. Of course, the sales Department can carry out its work and in this form, however, this leads to inefficient use of time, because each employee is forced to constantly switch between different tasks.
Sales – foreign term, used in this sense only in the plural. In the Russian language the closest synonym would be sales.

A more effective form of organization of the sales Department is the following scheme: the two main groups of managers (in active sales and work with regular customers) obey their superiors, and the head of Department works directly with them. In addition, the head reports directly to the Manager of workflow and taking orders. Finally, there are some "serving" institutions that operate in collaboration with sales Department: accountants, logisticians, marketers, advertisers, support. As a result, the sales staff have the opportunity to devote all their working time finding clients and closing deals, rather than to deal with various related problems.