You will need
  • - organizational structure;
  • - documents of the enterprise;
  • - staffing;
  • - seal of the organization;
  • - labor legislation;
  • - forms of orders.
The development of a new Department and making it into the existing company organizational structure, usually managed by specialist staff. He should provide the kind of structure of the enterprise, and the subordination of the newly created service to its head, and the impact of the number of firms in a structural unit.
After the structure has been modified, it introduced a new service, it should be considered the Director of the company. The sole Executive body must approve it. For this the order is issued. It is prescribed that the introduction of a new division, the date from which the structural unit becomes effective. Control over the execution of the order shall rest with the human resources Manager who needs to make changes in the organizational structure and inform the employees about the creation of a new division. The document shall be signed by the Director, printing company. To familiarize with the order should be chief of staff.
As a new section, it should be entered in the current staffing. To do this, the head of the company is required to issue the order. It is prescribed the name of the enterprise, number and date of preparation, location city organization. The subject of the order will correspond to changes in staffing, the reason for the creation of new structural divisions. The prescriptive part of the document contains in this case the name of the new service, positions which will be included in it. Responsible on the development of job descriptions of employees created for personnel Department employees, the lawyer, the accountant on the payroll. The above employees need to familiarize with the order. Certified by the document signed by the Director, printing company.
By order of the H. R. needs to make appropriate changes in staffing and develop job descriptions. In their compilation should be guided by the needs of the company. Their contents should be detailed and meet all the requirements established of the service and its goals.