The main reasons for the increase in temperature

Normal temperature is 36,6 mark OS. But under the influence of various factors is a decrease or increase in this level. And, often people feel quite comfortable, not noticing the signs of the disease. That is the reason of this phenomenon?

Of course, the main reason are colds and viral infections. In this case, the fever is accompanied by chills, appearance of weakness in the limbs, aching joints, runny nose, pain in eyes, cough. In the first days of the disease the temperature rises to the level of 38-39оС. As treatment the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs, anesthetics, inhalation, drinking plenty of fluids, bed rest.

The second reason of the high temperature – diseases of the kidney, which in the lumbar region appear sharp pain. To reduce the temperature needs to be examined, after which the specialist will prescribe a course of treatment to relieve the symptoms.

If the temperature for a long period of time holds above $ 38оС, this may indicate the presence of tumors in the body. As a rule, additional signs of damage are General weakness, sudden hair loss, reduction or total absence of appetite, reduction of body weight, malaise. Upon detection of such symptoms you should immediately contact a doctor-oncologist.
High fever can be a symptom of tumors of the liver, lung, kidney, leukemia.

Disorders in the endocrine system is another cause of the elevated temperature. A person begins to drastically reduce its weight, although the appetite may be improved substantially. There are frequent bouts of irritability, depression, a feeling of fear.
At a young age temperature rise often indicates a physical or nervous stress. Moreover, marked jumps in blood pressure without apparent reason, on the face, chest and neck may appear red spots. The main treatment – receiving sedative drugs and psychological trainings.
To relieve nervous tension use of tincture of Valerian, motherwort, Siberian ginseng.

High temperature is a common symptom that occurs in rheumatoid arthritis. This is because the body develops an inflammatory process, associated with the work of the joints.

Very often the temperature rises banal overheating of the child. Parents even tuck in a warm season the baby in several layers of clothing, resulting in impaired thermoregulation of the body. To normalize the heat transfer necessary to pick the right clothes, given the weather conditions.

How to measure temperature?

A common mistake is the wrong measurement of body temperature. To get the most accurate figure should take into account some features:
- the temperature in the mouth half a degree higher than when measured in the armpit;
- do not measure immediately after eating, hot drinks, or Smoking;
- before measurement, should not engage in physical exercise or take a warm bath;
- it is advisable to measure several times to ensure the health thermometer.

When temperatures are high during the week, immediately contact your doctor. This will allow time to determine the diagnosis and start effective treatment. Self-treatment without establishing the cause will only bring harm to the body.