If you try using a thermometer to monitor body temperature, it becomes noticeable interesting dependence of the values of the time of day. The lowest rate (about 35oC) recorded early morning, around 5-6 hours, the highest (more than 37 o C) – in 19-20 hours. For a healthy person, these fluctuations are absolutely normal.

Why you should not bring down the slight fever

When the body gets infected or inflammation, the body temperature of a person rises to 37-37.5 OS. There is quite a nasty fever, from which wants to get rid of. Many people make a very common mistake – knock small temperature. However, this is impossible, regardless of what slightly elevated temperature causes serious discomfort.

Reasons why you should not bring down the temperature 37 o C:

The presence of the virus in the body. Using high temperature immune forces of an organism struggling with a variety of pathogens, viruses and infections. This is a normal reaction. Pathogenic flora creates a "hot" environment where the most germs will die. If you break this process by antipyretics, natural recovery will stop. Worse, very soon the body actually wean yourself to fight viruses, and relying on medication.

Fever, as a consequence of physical activity.
If you resort to sports activities regularly, the body can respond to a slight increase in temperature.
Doctors believe this is a normal reaction to systematic training. Therefore, in this case necessary, to antipyretic drugs is not.

Nervous overstrain. Stress, ovulation, alcohol abuse, overeating – all this is too load the body, resulting in increased temperature. To get rid of it don't need drugs, it is better to eliminate the root cause.

What to do when a small temperature increase

If the body temperature is raised slightly above the norm, no need to panic. Well, if you have the opportunity to rest, to sleep, to relax.
The temperature will not hold long if you allow your body to recover.

Define a narrow range of works that must be performed. Everything else put aside for the future. Because the body must relax. If slightly elevated temperature does not pass for weeks or even months, should have to consult with a specialist. Might have some problems, but most likely, this temperature – this is your personal norm.