The most simple and quick way to travel from Moscow to Khabarovsk — it's a commuter train. Ten times a day from Belorussky station is a train "Moscow — Usovo", which takes you to the station "Platform Barvikha." Journey time is 30 minutes.
If you don't want to train, you can reach the Barvikha on the bus. From metro station "Molodezhnaya" the buses №150 "Moscow — Pine" No. 536 "Moscow — Soloslovo" and No. 101 "Moscow — Barvikha". Will have to spend about 25 minutes.
You can drive to Barvikha and taxis. They depart from the metro station "Kuntsevskaya" and spend in the way to the stop Barvikha no more than 30 minutes.
If you go to Barvikha by car, you have to turn from the Moscow ring road on Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway. We have to stick to the main roads, do not collapse, and after nine kilometers, the car will move to Barvikha. The journey time is approximately 25 minutes.
If Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway is loaded, you can drive from Barvikha on another road. First it is necessary with Moscow to minimize the Volokolamsk highway, around Krasnogorsk and go on Ilyinskoye highway. In turn, Ilinskoe highway will take on Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway and need to turn left. But after a kilometer will Barvikha. This path is longer than in the first embodiment. Therefore, it can be used only in the case that on Rublevo-Uspensky highway blind plugs.
There is another option driving. It is possible with the Moscow ring road in the area Molodogvardeyskaya street turn on the toll road, which opened in December 2013. At the entrance you will have to pay only 100 rubles, but the movement without traffic jams guaranteed. After five kilometres of toll road it is necessary to turn to Podushkinskoe highway, which, in turn, rests on Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway near Barvikha. In this case, on the road from the outskirts of Moscow, Barvikha have to spend no more than 20 minutes.