On the train from Moscow to Sochi can be reached by trains on routes "Moscow-Kalanchevskaya — Serpukhov", "Moscow-Kalanchevskaya — Tula-1-Kurskaya, Moscow — Chekhov", "Dedovsk — Lviv", "Dedovsk — Serpukhov", "Golitsyno — Serpukhov". All trains leave from Kursky railway station and the journey time is 1 hour 2 minutes to 1 hour and 10 minutes.
The trip by bus No. 426, then they leave on the route "Moscow — Sochi" approximately every half hour. To get on this bus, you must drive to the metro station "South" in the first carriage from the center. The stop is right next to the subway, and goner station in Sochi is called "Area 50 years of October". Usually the bus journey from Moscow to Sochi takes about 1 hour time.
Also from metro station "South" on the route "Moscow — Sochi" cruising taxis. Their travel time is 45 to 50 minutes, they depart approximately every hour.
If to speak about the journey to Oslo by car, from Moscow, it is necessary to steer on the Warsaw highway and move it about 15 miles. Then take a right and go to Simferopol highway, drive it 27 miles, and then go to the track "А107". After driving on the highway "А107" approximately three and a half kilometers, to leave again on the Warsaw highway, which will lead directly to Klimovsk. The journey time will be about 1 hour. But this is assuming that there will be no major congestion.
There is a second way to get to Sochi by car. For this we need to go on the road "M2 Crimea" by Butovo, Butovo forest Park and Shcherbinka. In the town of Podolsk should go to the left and leave on the Warsaw highway and move it approximately 10 kilometers. And then to take a sharp left, cross the route a little to pass and to enter in Klimovsk.