To cleanse bowel enema use. Note that in the large intestine accumulates up to 80 % of human waste. So take the procedure seriously.
First of all you need to warm up to the toxins are softened and withdrawn without problems. Take a hot bath. After it can start cleaning. You need a enema with a volume of half a liter. Prepare the litter, which will fall during the procedure. For flushing composition can take plain boiled water at room temperature, adding thereto soda. Tablespoon to half a liter of water or a few crystals of potassium permanganate. Can use decoctions of herbs.
To start you need to fill the enema solution into 300 – 400 ml. After you pour the liquid into the enema, close the tap and hang it on the height of your growth. Lubricate the tip with vaseline. Lie down on a Mat spread out on the side and pull your knees up to the stomach. Insert the tip into the anus and open the tap. Hold the tip of the hand throughout the procedure. After emptying enemas continue to lie while holding water inside the bowelas long as possible.
You can clear the intestines by using apples. Every day during the month in the morning, on an empty stomach, eat 2 – 3 apples. Eating after that, not earlier than in three hours.
2 tablespoons of bran to eat 3 times a day for a quarter of an hour before meals. Follow with 1 – 2 cups of water or weak tea without sugar. The course will be for one month.
Every night a tablespoon of herbs Senna pour a glass of water and boil 5 minutes on low heat. Steep for 20 minutes and then drink the third part of the infusion half an hour after dinner. In the evening nothing to eat. Use the remaining infusion the next morning and day. The course is not more than 10 days.