Try pressing Escape, if the referral process (i.e. loading unneeded page) starts after the page load where you want to stay. This key terminates a started process and, accordingly, cancels the redirect to another web address. This method can be applied when the redirection mechanism is placed in the source code of the page and is implemented using a JavaScript script or meta tag.
Use programs that block unwanted JavaScript scripts. They analyze is loaded into the computer at the request of the browser scripts and tags in the source code of the page and disable the execution of those programmed for any action not requested by the user. For example, the program Proxomitron except redirection with scripts can monitor and "stop words" in URLs - that is, if the URL of the page is the word redirect or some other that is often used in server scripts, the redirect will be blocked.
If you have installed the Opera browser, you have the ability to use its built-in mechanism for review of scripts, which makes unnecessary additional programs of this kind. True to its settings requires some knowledge of JavaScript. To access this option, press Ctrl + F12, go to the "Advanced" tab, select "Content" and click "Blocked content".
Disable the browser's use of JavaScript scripting for redirection exception using these scripts. Opera need the checkbox placed on the same page, the path described in the previous step. In Mozilla FireFox this setting is on the Content tab of the window opened by selecting "Settings" in the "Tools" menu of your browser. In Internet Explorer should be in the section "Tools" select "Internet options", go to the "Security" tab and click "Other". Then locate the settings section "Active scripting" and put it in the box next to "Enable".
If redirection is organized with server-side scripts or settings on the server, then cancel it without access to these scripts, alas, impossible.