You will need
  • Computer;
  • - access to the Internet;
  • the name of the person or title of organization, phone number which you are looking for.
Find out what you can about the person or firm, phone the coordinates of which you are going to look. The search will be easier if you know not only the name and address of the person whose phone number you need. If it is not possible to know the exact address, find at least the name of the street.
Set the coordinates of the wanted man in one of the bases telephone numbers. Such databases there are many, some of them are paid. Take advantage of free resources such as SpravkaRu or Verstar.
Surname, initials and, if you know it, the address of the person. Then click on the "Search" button. The system will give you the list of people with the phone numberof s from which you can select your desired contact.
If you are interested in the phone organization, please use the search on the websites of "yellow pages": directories containing information on legal entities. In online directories, phone the organization can be searched in various ways. The easiest is to enter the name and approximate location of the company, and then click "Search". You will then be taken to a page with the coordinates of this organization, including phonemi.
If you are not sure that you have the correct organisation name, search by category. On the website "yellow pages" to open a list of categories, select the one that matches the profile of the organization (food, entertainment, shopping, computers, or other), and look in the list of names the one that best fits what you need.
Once you have found your desired name, click on it with mouse button and you will be able to see your phone.