In the shop with a problem ask any of the sales consultants. You are required to send to check the fault and if it is confirmed, you must return the money. But this is the best.
Unfortunately, there are cases when the staff does not value the reputation of the store, and you can deal with rudeness and rejection. The seller can tell you that the phone is the so-called TST - technically complex product, and you can't exchange the unit or get my money back. This is absolutely not true.
Remember your rights - they are listed in the law "On protection of consumers' rights. Even bought on credit, the goods must be replaced or returned. You have the right to surrender the phone, even if you lost the original packaging and receipt. But kept the warranty card for the product and a receipt will help to simplify the situation.
In case of refusal, write the claim in duplicate to the Department of consumer rights. It is a claim you should request the termination of the shop contract of sale. No need to mention return or exchange the phone.
Better insist that if possible the examination you should attend yourself. Next, take the complaint to the store and get the signature from the representative of the trade organization. Often it can scare a shop manual and it does not want unnecessary inspections and examinations.
If the store is not stopped, then you have to wait for 10 days. The equipment is delivered to the service center will be in the interests of the commercial enterprise. It is better not to give a product with the warranty certificate to repair yourself. He may be delayed. You always have the right to collect money or obtain a new device.
Know your rights and use them skillfully. An educated buyer will always achieve the goal.