You will need
  • a glass spatula;
  • - sterile cotton ball;
  • - sterile gauze.
Wash with soap and pour over boiling water to disinfect glass spatula, which you will lay ointment.
Check the thickness of the ointment. When stored in the refrigerator or a cool place ointment can system, and in this case it will be uncomfortable to lay behind the eyelid. Thick ointment thaw out directly in the package in warm water.
Wash your hands thoroughly and dry them.
Seat the patient in front of a light with a slightly reclined head or lay on a horizontal surface without a pillow.
Open the package with ointmentYu. In the right hand take a spatula and type in the desired quantity. Ointments should not be much because it will flow out of the eye slit, to get on the lashes, glue your eyelids and cause them to itch.
Take a sterile cotton ball in his left hand. Ask the patient to look up, a cotton ball, pull down the lower eyelid.
Keep the spatula parallel to the palpebral fissure and put ointment into the recess between the inner surface of the lower eyelid and eyeball. Gently remove the spatula movement of the hand towards the temple, leaving the ointment in the eyelidM.
Take a cotton ball and ask the patient blinked a few times. These movements will allow the ointment evenly distributed under the eyelids. If the patient is unable to blink, then with a cotton ball gently massage the closed eyelids.
Remove the sterile gauze cloth excess ointment if they are still there.
Take another spatula, cotton wool and gauze, if you need to do the same manipulations with the other eye. If the spatula is only one, then disinfect it again. This is necessary to prevent the spread of infection from one eye to the other.
If you are laying the ointment for the eyelid itself, then stand in front of a mirror so that your face is well covered. Perform the same movements in the same order.
If you are left handed, then the left hand put the ointmentand the right retract lower eyelid.