Define business unit that will develop staffing. The legislation does not unambiguously specify who should draw up this document. Typically, the guide takes into account the size of the organization and functional responsibilities of departments. In the absence at the enterprise of the personnel Department, service Department personnel or Department organization the staffing table shall be entrusted to the accounting Department or one of the leaders of the enterprise.
If necessary to the formation of staffing professionals attract service personnel and economists.
Determine the organizational structure of the enterprise, which schematically display all departments, indicating the chain of command. It is recommended to reflect in the block diagram of vertical and horizontal communication between departments.
Determine the names of subdivisions. Names of the structural units are groups in order of importance the management (administration, accounting, human resources), production units, and support services. In the absence of production of services (e.g. commercial enterprises) may be allocated to the sales and commercial departments closely associated with the logistics units.
Complete the unified form T-3 ("Staffing"), approved by the resolution of Goskomstat of the Russian Federation. In order to avoid questions and disputes, secure rules fill in the details by regulation of the enterprise governing documents. Keep in mind that you can make additional details in the form, leaving without change approved by the details.
Make sure to put in a box the date of the staffing, because a schedule can begin immediately after its preparation.
Compiled staffing approve the special order for the organization (enterprise).