To cure a person from alcoholism, it is necessary to have strong motivation to undergo treatment. If the alcoholic does not want to be treated, then unfortunately, to get it to do is simply impossible. The law on compulsory treatment for alcohol and drug addiction has not yet entered into force. He is in the final stages of development. Currently you can receive free medical care only if the exit status of the binge threatens the patient's life or to the life and health of other people.
To the alcoholic had the motivation, relatives and close friends must use the methods of psychological influence. In each case you can choose your own ways and reasons for which the patient themselves would want to be treated. If the alcoholic is not degraded and it still has something to lose, under the influence of loved ones, he agrees to undergo treatment. In some cases there is no need even to bring a person to the fact that it needs to be treated. Having a certain circle of hell, loss and bereavement, an alcoholic comes to this decision.
In the Arsenal of modern addiction medicine there are quite effective treatment for alcohol abuse and sustained remission. Depending on the condition of the patient, the psychiatrist assigns a course for medical and psychotherapeutic treatment.
After remission is achieved, you need to constantly visit a psychiatrist and undergo supportive therapy. In maintenance treatment include antidepressants, antipsychotic drugs from the group of small doses, vitamin therapy, psychotherapeutic correction. If you do not to undergo maintenance therapy, remission will not be achieved, because alcoholism is a chronic incurable disease with intracellular and biochemical lesion of the entire body. With constant medical control of the alcoholic is unable to release from the bondage of addiction, and he can live a normal, productive life for many years.