It is very important after a stroke do not RUB yourself bruised place. This can lead to negative consequences (and stagnation of blood at the point of impact).
If possible, you need to immediately apply the cold: you can apply ice or to expose the injured part under running cold water. This will help reduce the pain and relieve swelling, reducing bleeding into the tissues.
For the swelling and decrease the bruising you can apply the whole plantain leaves or mash them. You can also apply a tincture, it moistened gauze or cotton.
Well help ointments, including calendula, St. John's wort, comfrey. You can also lubricate the injured spot with an alcohol tincture of calendula.
Widely known remedy for bruises is the real stuff, which you can buy at the pharmacy in powder form. Add fresh water in the ratio of 2:1 or sunflower oil in a ratio of 1:1. This mixture apply on the tumor in the form of a bandage. To change it you need approximately 2 times a day. Also the pharmacy can meet the special ointment concoctions. Such tools are convenient to take along and lubricate injury, if you are not at home and do not have the ability to make compresses.
You can take fresh tarragon and pound it to reveal juice. In this form apply to the swollen area and bandage. Try to change the grass more frequently, preventing its drying. In winter you can use a homemade ointment. You need to take a fat basis (this can be vaseline, pork or other animal fat), and add the juice of wormwood in the ratio of 4:1.
Very effective are such natural remedies like cabbage and onions. Cabbage leaf you can just tie to injury. The onions should be grated on a grater and put the pulp on the swelling, on top of wound foil. Better this compress leave it on all night – in the morning will be a tangible result.
In the case that compresses and other methods do not help, and the swelling is not coming for a long period of time, it is necessary to consult a doctor. It may not be a simple bruise and a more serious injury (e.g., fracture), which requires qualified treatment.