You will need
  • - powder concoctions;
  • - 3% boric acid or hydrogen peroxide;
  • - 2% solution of salicylic acid;
  • - vegetable oil.
Due to its absorbing action, the concoctions used to treat bruises, infiltrates and stagnant spots. She also is known for its exfoliating properties. The ground powder of sponge penetrates the top skin layer, irritating it and expanding the capillaries and deeply located blood vessels. It improves blood circulation and increases the protective properties of the skin.
Powder concoctions (it can be purchased at a pharmacy) pour the boiling water and continue to heat for three minutes. Per Cup of liquid, add two teaspoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide or boric acid solution and stir until a pulp. Due to the additional components, the concoctions will be more pronounced.
Degrease the skin with a cotton disc soaked in 2% solution of salicylic alcohol, then apply hot stuff.
Vigorously RUB the stuff into the skin without touching the eye area. Better to do it in a circular motion for three minutes. This time will be enough to mask begin to move in the upper layers of the epidermis. Soon you will feel slight pain and burning sensation, which will be held within the hour.
Leave the mask until dry, then rinse with warm water. Finally, rinse your face with cool water.
The first days after applying the mask the skin will be painful and reddened. After some time these sensations will disappear and will start the exfoliation of the Horny layer of the skin. If the soreness does not disappear, you can make herbal lotions that will reduce inflammation and will numb the skin.
The procedure should be carried out once weekly for a month or two (depending on the initial condition of your skin. Over time, closes the pores, resolve abscesses, and the skin become smooth and supple.
The same mask can be applied to remove freckles. If you have dry skin it is better to use a mixture containing vegetable oil.
For the treatment of acne apply the hot mixture on the skin. Rinse after half an hour, then gently wipe, and powder the face. Three weeks of treatment is two treatments a week will clear your skin and improve metabolism.