In order to get rid of excess salts in the body, it is necessary to revise the diet. To exclude meat, poultry and fish. You should also limit the content of tomatoes, peas, beans, mushrooms and spinach.
Take fresh roots of couch grass, rinse them well under running water, carefully grind. 3 tablespoons pour 300 ml of cold water and leave to infuse overnight. In the morning boil infusion for 10 minutes on low heat under a lid. Leave to infuse for half an hour. After some time, strain your infusion. Take 6 times a day 3 tablespoons 10 minutes before meals. A week after the start of the reception you will feel the aches throughout the body. These are the salt from your body. To help process, take the potato broth. The main condition – the potatoes should be slightly nedawareness and unsalted. The water in which it is cooked, drain from pot and drink in unlimited quantities.
The roots of marsh cinquefoil cut into small pieces and stuff them suitable container about a third. Pour vodka to the top and leave in a dark place for about three weeks. The resulting infusion drink 1 tablespoon three times inside a day.Take the crushed roots of this same plant in the amount of tablespoons and brew in a Cup of boiling water. Heat wrap capacity with the infusion and leave overnight. Take 4 times a quarter Cup throughout the day after meals.
Thin lateral roots rose hips rinse, chop and place in a jar until half of the volume. Fill it to the brim with alcohol, and insist on the attraction of 3 – 4 weeks in a dark place. Infusion filter and then store it in the fridge. Daily take 3 tablespoons before eating. To improve the result of the use of rose hips, each taking it drink a mug of tea from steamed grape leaves or black currant. Drink it on the attraction of 2 – 3 months.
Slightly mashed leaves of burdock apply to the places where you feel pain. It helps to dissolve deposits of salts in the body.